let the machines rule!

Matrix… a nightmare? Equilibrium an insult to human values?

Maybe yes. Most probably not.

Meanwhile humanity could have figured that they are not the very best to control the planet nor at least themselves. One just needs to take a look and see. Throughout the history. Big brain or not – things are developing to the worse.

Reasons for this misery? Well, maybe: Humans are emotionally controlled beings without the inner capacity to control their emotions nor to see or to plan for the big picture. Like any other being on this planet humans prior aim is to survive and to reproduce. A big brain takes its toll by making all these basic things a bit tricky: For humans it is not enough to climb on a tree or to hunt a giant vegetable. Humans need more to compete. And humans need more to feel in a state of being compete-able. And then there are all the other humans who want the same or, even worse, something completely different.

So the big brain needs to develop strategies to compete with others in a complex world. Always driven by ancient needs and wants.

It is easy to see there all this ends up: Distinction of humanity.

Who cares? Maybe nobody.

If there is somebody who cares – for whatever reason: Let the machines rule! Humanity is not able to  care for themselves. We need help!



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