and the winner is…

…the strongest.

It happened in China and it happens here, in Egypt. People on the street argue for a short moment and than they are going to fight each other, with everything they have, fist and feet. And the most astonishing thing for an european is: none cares. Especially not the police. Why? Because the police is the reason why people have to fight each other. If all arguments are used there is no other solution than to fight. And arguments won’t be available enough because you need education to use arguments. People can’t rely on justice nor on the police. And they have no education. There are no rules nor laws which could be used. There is no justice but for the rich or the strong. The weakest are suppressed either by the authorities or by the ones who have more. The rich ones rule this country and no police will dare to stop them since they are not going to kill someone. Poor people have no opportunity to complain. Their only solution is to hurt themselves as a protest. And the poor people have nothing to fight for but their live after live. Inch’Allah. And the rich have no interest to change something. So everything will stay as it is. You could quote Marx here. But maybe this would not be the best idea. Education will help, to open the horizon for new chances and opportunities. But how to reach the poor? How to wake their interest for more than the holy book? And for sure education is not the medicine for everything. But maybe a good start.

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