being human

A shift of positions. Normally I prefer the other side. But as a seeker of the never available truth sometimes it is needed to adjust the point of view. For a moment.

So: We know pretty well what kind of mechanisms keep the human individual as well as the surrounding society running. We are able to quote the latest research of the human sciences, psychology, biology and neuroscience as well as the social sciences, system theory and anthropology. Humanity is able to explain many things in the world; of course: only how humanity perceives the world!

Nevertheless: Is the perceived reality altered just by the ability to explain what was perceived as the mechanical process behind the reality? Means: Is a term like “love” losing all its credits just because one is able to explain how it works? It the color red no longer red just because one is able to say a few words about light and perception?

What is it, that we know? Or, the older question, what is it that we are able to know?

To answer this questions is not relevant here because we will stay on an abstract level there the question of the reality behind the human senses is not touched.

It is a thing between humans: Humans are and humans perceive themselves while being. Humans describe what they see and what their context enables them to see. On this level this is the only thing that counts.

What makes one human? What are the big values humanity appreciates? Many items in the value-box, depending on where one lives and dies! So the values are kind of flexible and nothing written down in the ancient book of absolute truth. Then: What is it? What makes humans special?

Many questions raised. To sum it up: Just because we are able to explain how it works does not make humans less special.


Ok. So 2 items to discuss. First: Is the question of being true despite being explained of any relevance or does it even make any sense? Second: What does special mean in this context?

The second question is easier to answer. Being special means being different. Different to what? With all our bacteria, tissue and bone and blood and horn: where is the main difference to any living thing out there?

Of course: the brain makes the race. Humans are smart. (They uses this smartness to deconstruct themselves and their world… just as a side comment) The big brain is the main difference to all the other things out there.


…will be continued after a thinking break….


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